Eurostrut supplies high-load cable support systems in various markets such as industry, chemicals, energy, infrastructure, commercial construction, maritime and offshore. Every market, every segment, every customer has wishes and challenges when it comes to the throughput of energy and data. From large spans and cable weights to large temperature differences and moisture. Eurostrut has products and solutions that fit every need and situation.
Our projects
Eurostrut is your total supplier of cable management systems and solutions for use in demanding environments. We advise and supply the installation sector and other technically oriented companies. Our products are used in markets such as offshore, chemicals, petrochemicals, heavy industry, energy and power plants.

Mall of The Netherlands | Nike Flag Store
Leidschendam | The Netherlands | 2017 | Commercial building
Curious about what Eurostrut can mean for installers in your market? Contact our sales team and discover the possibilities!
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Eurostrut expands: more spacious premises and assembly service
On August 1, director Olav de Swaaf signed the next chapter for Eurostrut. The Schiedam total supplier of cable support systems has rented the adjacent

More coming soon…
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Coming soon: the 60 high cable ladder
With increased rigidity due to welded rungs of perforated C-profile. Sport distance 250 mm for minimum load on cables. Standard surface finish hot dip galvanized